Love & Marriage.
Just got butter out to soften so I can make the pink heart-shaped cookies I make every year for Valentine’s Day, because apparently now I am a person who does that sort of thing. And while I wait, I’m contemplating how it all started.
This, from December 2010, is from a few weeks after we met, and this, from March 2011, I wrote a couple months later.
(I’m struck by how frank I was back then when I blogged about men and sex. I guess it’s mostly because in 2010 I’d been single for years and there was a lot more sex drama in my life and it was interesting stuff to write about, and now, well, I’ve been married for 12 years. That part of my life is less newsy. Which is not to say less interesting, but that the kind of news generated by a long marriage is I guess more personal, or I have chosen to keep it personal, to protect it. I have a feeling this is a subject for its own essay!)