Back to School.

I started school again yesterday. I still associate summer school with remedial classes because that's what it was when I was in elementary school. Though it's not exactly remedial, the math class I'm taking has a little of that feeling because it's math for liberal arts majors. For most of the people in the class, it's the only math class they'll take (only one is required) and they're terrified of it. Like me.

The teacher is great. Very sweet-tempered and reassuring.

My other class is Applied Human Anatomy. It's in the kinesiology department, not biology, which I'm hoping will make it a little easier. Kinesiology is (I think) for students who want to get into fields like sports management and fitness. We'll be cutting up human cadavers in the lab part of the class. I wouldn't have taken a class where we had to dissect animals, but human bodies I think will be fascinating. At any rate, I will have a new experience.

These are my only two classes for now. The summer session is divided into two periods, with one or two classes each period. A whole semester's worth of material is crammed into five weeks, so the pace is frenetic. It sounds hard, but I think I'll like the more concentrated study. During the regular semester I have usually felt like my focus is too diffuse because I have 4 or 5 very different subjects to keep track of.