
J drove to Nashville (leaving last Wednesday) and I flew on Friday. I rode back with J. We left yesterday and planned to take two days, but we were on the road by 7 a.m. and J just kept driving until we got home at about 10:30 last night.

One of the things that makes regular blogging possible for me is that I don't require myself to narrate every event or episode in my life. I would get bogged down in it and eventually lose interest. So forgive my skipping the Nashville trip, except to say that we visited many great friends, finally found some marijuana, ate Southern food, and drove around to look at our old apartments. (In two years in Nashville, we lived in 3 different apartments, our exit from each of them surrounded by unpleasant circumstances. Some day the whole story will be documented on the "Whatever Happened to Y'all?" blog.)

On the way home, it dawned on me that I have a shitload of work to do on the Lizzie Borden show and not much time to do it. Tim, my collaborator and I, will spend a week together in August (possibly at an artist's retreat in the Berkshires, maybe in New York) rewriting the show, but I need to get a head start since there are several new songs to write.

I'm re-reading A Private Disgrace, the book that gave us so much inspiration for our first version of the show. And I just checked out another Lizzie Borden book from the library; this one, Forty Whacks, by David Kent, came out after we wrote the show.